Do you selalu download Free Softwares from UN-OFFICIAL websites?

Hi all if you always download software grais I know you are pro in finding and downloading pirated software and are sure you are aware of the risks behind it. But what about open source and free software? Did you download from the web site or a 3rd party file sharing networks? .. Good time to be aware of risks or hazards that will occur later
Popular software is open source software that is downloaded by thousands of Internet users daily, including VLC media player, Google Chrome browser and more. Most people would rather download it from unofficial sites, because they feel that is more complicated when downloading from the Official Web Site, As in the case of download 'Google chrome browser from the official web page, you first need to download download a small downloader which then downloads and installs chrome browser on your PC. But other websites that provide download link for the full file "Google chrome" exe and people prefer this way. 


We all know that the main purpose of the open source software developers, is to share the source code with everyone. Because they expect other developers to fix bugs or add new features to it and make it more beautiful. But some time it will be misused.
Scammers are taking advantage of the availability of source code to trick users and make money. The Scammers add malware and adware for this software and releasing them as the original product. Some sites even re-branding deceive the original open source projects and sell them as new products.
Binding of the Scammers are "open source sofwares" with a variety of crapware to monetize software with lots of ads and earn money. These results are a poor product that does not work as intended, which can not be removed and a clear violation of users and their privacy. Recently there have been reports that some sites sell "Mozilla Firefox", use Mozilla trademarks to promote other products and services, or to use modified versions of the Mozilla trademark. 


Ditulis Oleh : Admin Hari: 19.46 Kategori:


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